The pictures on the internet looked promising and altogether it is not a bad figure, but could be a lot better if Hasbro had given it a bit more thought.
I'm not a Marvel expert so I won't try to tell you much about the character, but talk about the figure: Crossbones is very tall for a four inch figure, towering over Heavy Duty, Roadblock, Bench Press and Chewbacca.
Straight out of the packaging it feels a bit...cheap. Hasbro should have used a better quality plastic. The figure is well articulated, although I would have preferred him to have a better range of movement in the elbow joints and use the hip ball joints of the GI Joe figures.
The paintjob on my figure is pretty nice, the vest is well detailed with zippers, fasteners, mag pouches and a very small survival knife (too small in my book) moulded into the vest and not removeable. On his right thigh there's a moulded pistol holster, again the pistol is not removeable and the whole setup is ridiculously small.
Crossbones comes with an M4 Carbine with attached grenade launcher and zwo TEC-9 pistols. The latter look really nice and with a bit of paint (unless you like olive green weapons) can be turned into really cool weapons. The M4 is mediocre and might best be replaced by a weapon from the spare parts box.
One disadvantage of the soft, rubbery plastic of the vest shows itself when those who take the vest off for whatever reason (after all, it's removeable so why not remove it?) put it back on and discover that the pins don't want to slip into the corresponding holes anymore.
Anyway, I like the figure, but would like it a lot more if certain details had been taken better care of by Hasbro.
The figure can be used as a base for customizing and in my book that's the real value of Crossbones.
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